For many people, especially women, knitting is a favorite hobby. They use it to express their creative urges. Every day they set time aside to focus on their knitting. They love knitting so much that they have formed wholesale cellphones club where they share their ideas with other knitting enthusiasts. Some knitting fans have even gone a step further and developed websites where they teach Avatar Helicopter people how to knit, explain the numerous knitting abbreviations and even offer information on where to buy knitting equipment. If you are first timer, the following are some of the abbreviations that you are sure to come across. Number one is frog. Okay, it is an abbreviation in knitting even if it is still the name of an amphibian. It means to undo one or several knitting rows by unraveling the already made stitches. It is a technique of dealing with knitting mistakes. According to professional and skilled knitters, the frog is reserved for beginners who are inexperienced and do not know of how to avoid making mistakes while knitting. One other common abbreviation that you can possibly stumble upon is KTBL that is sometimes known as TBL. This design method stands for knit/knitting through the back loops. SSK, which stands for slip, slip and stitch, is yet another abbreviation used in knitting. In SSK, you slip two stitches one after the other into the right-hand needle and subsequently insert the left-hand needle to the front of the stitches. The shifting of the stitches to the needles on the left hand is what occurs. The method coils the stitches when the stitches that have been slipped are moved to the needle on the left hand. In other cases, you can stumble upon SSSK, which utilizes a similar method to SSK. The difference lies in the fact that 3 and not 2 stitches are knitted together after the slip stitches are moved into the left-hand needle. If you love knitting socks, one abbreviation you are sure to come across is PSSO. It denotes passing the slip stitches over. What you are required to do in PSSO is slip one stitch and knit the one that follows. Next, you ought to run the slipped stitches over those that you stitched up. If you love knitting, you should take the time to research and familiarize yourself with all the knitting abbreviations. The fact jewelry scales reviews that learning and mastering all the abbreviations might take some time is one thing you must appreciate.