
Your Designer Handbag

There are scores of designer handbags to choose from, so many that you may find it confusing to decide which is for you. How do you go about making the decision about what will be precisely the best choice for you? Well, this depends on a few factors; the appearance of the designer handbag, how it will fit with your approach to fashion, and, one of the most often forgotten factors; your body type. It is very important to choose the bag with regard to your body type, and most women, unfortunately, often overlook this point. When you purchase a designer handbag it is wise to avoid following the most popular and recent fashion vogue. You should try to buy one which will always flatter your looks you when you use it but which remains a practical and useful part of your wardrobe. A designer handbag, after all, is a bag with its main purpose being to transport your belongings. Always keep in mind what you will be using it for and don’t get carried away only by its looks. Many women slip up by buying a handbag that is far too big for their body size or far too small for their body size. Don’t make this mistake which can spoil the whole effect of your appearance. No matter how beautiful the bag, if it looks ridiculously small or so large as to be unwieldy to carry it will have the rc flying shark opposite effect to the one which you desire. If you are short, adapt your handbag to this. A flask shaped handbag of a moderate size will complement your size and not overpower you. However, if you have a figure which is willowy, tall and slim, you should look for round or square-shaped handbags. These shapes will be most suitable for your body size.Another flying shark important point to consider is the right colour to choose for your bag. Think about the clothes which you have in your wardrobe and visualise the colour which would suit the majority of them. You should also remember what your preferred style of clothing is and how your proposed handbag would fit with them, i.e. sporty, formal, casual, etc.The easiest and for most women, most sensible choice is a bag in a plain colour. This will make it a great deal easier for you to co-ordinate the bag with most clothes. Such a choice will remove some of the headaches (but not of course all!) of deciding what to wear when going out.You should not forget about your budget. Some people may feel the only choice is to opt for replica designer handbags but if your budget allows, why not the real thing? A replica designer handbag can look good and come at a reasonable price. You may however feel the difference if you are carrying one and in company with someone who is the proud owner of a genuine designer handbag. This of course depends on your outlook. You should bear in mind though that not all authentic designer handbags are hugely expensive. Sometimes you can be lucky enough to find that you are able to buy one at a wholesale price. Make up your mind to buy an authentic designer handbag which is not only genuine but really affordable for you. Don't rush into buying something which you cannot afford and then angry bird have to scrimp and struggle for ages to make up for the cost. This will take away all the pleasure you would otherwise enjoy from your new purchase.

