
Ed Hardy conrad Black

Conrad Black is out of jail. The T-shirt are on the way to the printers. One design is a graphic of the former newspaper baron in a bright orange tie and jacket — the colour Marni Handbags of his prison jumpsuit — and his Order of Canada pin. "ExConrad" is the tag line.

Another shows him in a dark suit, with his name edited to read: "Conrads been dull AH Handbags with Black in a Florida prison.

"He left us," she says of Blacks 28-month incarceration Marc Jacobs Sunglasses for defrauding shareholders. There had been such a buzz in 2007, leading up to his trial. "Everyone was talking about it. Everyone wanted to know what would happen."

Tancock was caught up in it. She created a T-shirt that showed him in semi profile, looking earnest, with the words "Free Conrad." It suited her light-as-a-bubble sense of humour. Lawyers started wearing them. To her surprise, she got a got a call from Blacks Toronto office with a commission to make T-shirts with the same image, but a reworked phrase: "Conrad will win."

Well, he didns bail hearing, in which Black was released on a $2 million unsecured bond. The T-shirts were good conversation starters, the woman told her.

Blacks exciting." Is she a fan? No. Well, sort of.

"Is not politically correct to like him in my circle of friends." They are mostly liberal-minded artists. She sketched her new designs on Monday and has already ordered 100 shirts. "People are calling like crazy."

